Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Friday!

I have to admit that time passes differently now that I'm not working outside of the home. It passes in a kind of weird fast-slow pace but Fridays kind of merge into the other days since I won't be coming home from work to plop on the couch with a glass of wine, order out, and not move until I need to go to bed. Still, I love me a good Friday! This post is all over the place. You're welcome.

1. I have been putting pumpkin pie spice in my coffee before it brews and my whole world changed. Why have I been buying coffee that is full of flavoring when I could be doing this?! Bonus that my house smells like Fall, even if it is 90 effing degrees still.

2. Birthday prep is in full swing for a certain 11 month old baby I know! I could literally cry thinking about how much she has grown and changed my world but instead I am throwing myself into party planning. I have been 'pinning' this day long before she was even born but will still keep it simple, though, drive my husband crazy in the process. I'm sure of it.

Um. This is happening. And it doesn't look like that anymore!

3. This is Day 4 of the 21 Day Fix for me and I don't want to eat my arm or that chunky 11 month old on my hip. I'm so surprised because those containers are teeny tiny but they are filling me up. Apparently I've been over eating FORever so this is a great program for me. My SIL's wedding is in less than a month and when I tried on the dress that I had to purchase right after having a baby, I zipped it up and IT FELL OFF OF ME! I was afraid I would be that girl who was all "Oh, I just had a baby, let me wait to order the dress" then have to shove myself inside of it. I keep that thought in my head when Autumn is all "Give me three weeks and I'll give you the body you always wanted". Ok, Autumn! Give it to me!

4. Noelle is getting her molars in. Is that weird? She already has one and it is gigantic compared to her little chiclet teeth up front. Girlfriend has NINE teeth with two other molars starting to poke through. What the what? This seems so strange to me!

5. This song is my jam. I am obsessed. For real, I want this playing around me all the time. Like when I walk into places, I want it to be my entrance song. Not only is the beat fab but the message it is sending is even better. Get it girl.

Happy Friday!!