Sunday, December 18, 2011

change of plans

I was going to post a bunch of updates from the past couple of months but there is SO much to share! As I looked through the pictures, I suddenly remembered why I haven't had time to post! Considering that my mother (Hi, Mom!) is the only one who has asked if I've updated recently, I'm sure that the posts won't be missed too much!

In other news, the semester (for grad school) ends on Wednesday!  HOLLA!!  :)


  1. Sarah!!!! Long lost blog friend! I'm still here and I'll be reading your blog! You've probably fired me as a blog friend. I haven't been a very good one. :(

    I look forward to reading your posts and catching up on your life. Yay for grad school ending on Wednesday for you! Enjoy your Christmas break!
    I submitted my final over the weekend and I got an A!! I can't believe it. Now I'm just waiting for the final grade overall for the class...we'll see.

    Glad you're back!

  2. Um, Hi Im still you remember me?!
    - Wifey
