Here's what I'm loving today..
I'm loving that we're back to spring weather tomorrow! We've been having these rain spells that last all week long and I'm tired of it! Bring on the sunshine!!
*Update: By the time I posted this, the rain stopped & now it is muggy & feels like July. We can't win!
I'm loving that my fridge looks like this...
I'm loving that we are puppy shopping! I want a dog SO bad & I am just in love with these sweet pups! How can I resist these faces??
I'm loving that I almost emptied out the entire DVR today! I've had a head cold since last Thursday (and I'm pretty sure my voice will be totally gone by tomorrow) and I finally took a day off today to just rest and try to get over it. I got to catch up on some Bethenny Ever After, Sister Wives, RHONJ, and 16 & Pregnant. Nothing wrong with that lineup! Hah! I also may start watching The Bachelorette after all the Emily hype everywhere. I may need another day off if I add any more shows!
I'm always loving my sweet husband and that he always cleans up from dinner, even when he cooks. :)
I'm also linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple for Oh, So Pinteresting!
Obviously a day on the couch unloading the DVR also means a day on Pinterest!
Here are some of my fave finds today...

This is the best one...

I love Wednesdays! :)
Just found your blog through Adventures of Newlyweds! :)
Can I just have your closet? If it's anything as cute as these pins, then you must have the BEST clothes!