Friday, July 19, 2013

Five on Friday!

I am wishing away the weeks until summer school is over and I'm SO glad to see Friday! 

1. Somehow hitting 30 weeks pregnant made me feel all sorts of anxious & excited like never before. Jeff is excited, too. Go check out his guest post on the blog this week. I may or may not have bought a few more outfits this week and the nursery is almost ready. A baby will live here in 10 weeks or less. AH!

2. This week I kept myself busy after work instead of coming home and planting myself on the couch and it was nice to catch up with some of my girlfriends. My bestest and I had a fabulous lunch date and she knows I adore hydrangeas and picked some for me. I planted hydrangeas out front two years ago and they are hurtin' for certain. Now I can check out these beauties and pretend :)

3. I seriously can't get enough of this face. Ever.

4. I just have to say how much I love my preggo/new mama blog friends. It has been such an awesome thing to be able to experience my pregnancy with girls who know exactly what I'm going through. They make me laugh constantly and it always feels like I'm emailing with old friends instead of girls that I've never actually met in real life. This is one of the biggest perks to blogging, even if it makes me sound like a creep when I say, "my internet friends". hah!

5. This video had me in tears laughing. The language is so inappropriate but this lady knows the deal. 

Happy weekend, lovahs!


  1. Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers - those are so pretty! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Well you are a total creep but that is a whole other topic!! Hahaha!!! Joking aside, I agree blogger friends going though the exact same thing at around the same time is so helpful!!

  3. I love, love, love that I have a whole little group of bloggy friends who are either new mamas like me, or who are about to be. And that includes you!:) It makes the whole experience even more fun! Happy Weekend, Sarah!:)

  4. Beautiful flowers!! YAY for summer school almost being over!!! And 30 weeks!! wow. Time flies. Blog friends are the BEST!

  5. omg, i saw that video today too and i was dying!! that girl is hilarious!

  6. I saw that video a week ago and couldn't stop laughing!! I am in front of an AC now and I feel the same way. Yay for summer pregnancies! lol

  7. fresh flowers and puppies!!!!!
    week 30 totally freaked me out!

  8. You're getting so close! I have loved meeting you and other pregnant bloggers through this experience- it's been so fun! Everyone in the blogging community was and has been so nice to me during this whole experience.

  9. I totally agree, it is so much fun experiencing pregnancy with other ladies who get it!! I am 32 weeks and seriously starting to freak out now... I think im going to order a couple of things this week just to make myself feel a little more on top of things while we wait for his furniture to come in!

  10. Hydrangeas are my favorite! They look gorgeous. And I'm so glad for blog friend preggos like you too!!! It makes all the difference to "go through" this with people who are at the same point! It makes this so much more fun!
