Tuesday, July 23, 2013

31 week Bumpdate!

This week: I think the worst of the heat wave has passed so I'm hoping to feel a bit more motivated to get outside this week. I'm literally just counting down until summer school is over {9 days} and trying to fill up my afternoons with friends. Oh, and the Royal Baby was born! We were at the 99 when Jeff yelled out, "It's a boy!" from the breaking news on the TV. Will & Kate's anniversary is April 29 and ours is April 28, so it's been fun being pregnant at the same time, too. We had our 31 week doctors appt. and everything is on track! Baby looks good and has a heart rate of 140-142. She is head down, in position! 

How far along? 31 weeks! The countdown is officially in the single digits!

Baby's size: Baby P is the size of a pineapple! At our ultrasound yesterday, she was weighing in at 3 lbs 13 oz, in the 56th percentile. The doctor estimated that she should weigh about 7-7.5 lbs at birth. I think I can handle that :)

Total weight gain: Womp, womp. I knew that the gain would finally catch up. Apparently I've gained 9lbs since my last appointment, bringing the total to 14 lbs. It's still lower than I ever thought I would gain by this point and my doctor said that I'm right on track but I almost fell over when I saw the number jump that much in one visit! I blame it on the heat and Sonic. I want to keep it under 25, so it looks like Rocky and I will be hitting the streets again!

Maternity clothes? Same. I bought a few more skirts and tanks at Old Navy and TJ Maxx, a mix of maternity and regular. I also ventured into Motherhood Maternity for the first time and was appalled at the prices and quality of some of the clothes. I'm definitely looking forward to wearing regular clothes again.

Stretch marks: Still just my thighs.

Sleep: It depends on the night. Most mornings I wake up feeling like I slept for an hour but I'm actually sleeping better once I can get settled. Getting settled is a project, though.

Best moment this week: We got to see our sweet little peanut! I was so excited to have an ultrasound and baby girl was cooperative and even smiled for us! :)

{front of face with mouth open} 
chunka cheeks & smiles!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach. Regular clothes shopping.

Movement: Lots of pitter patter right under my ribs and much bigger movements. Nothing painful but I can just feel the difference in her size now. She is now head down and I can usually tell what the movements are.

Food cravings: Same old. Cold drinks and fruit.

Food aversions: Nothing new.

Gender: 99.9% sure it's a girl! 

Belly button - in or out? It's starting to pop out but stays kinda flat most of the time.

Wedding rings - on or off? Still on

Symptoms: Pelvis pain is mostly gone. Definitely there when I move a certain way but nothing like what it was. Other than that, no complaints!

Mood: Happy, happy! Loving my sweet family!

Looking forward to: 9 more days until my sanity is back. SO many good things coming up! Baby showers, bridal showers, parties! Also planning a weekend getaway with the hubs!



  1. My hubby's and my anniversary is April 30 - we got married the day after Will and Kate did! We got engaged just a couple of months before they did. And then we got pregnant just a couple of months before they did. And our original due date was just over a month before the Duchess's. So that's funny that you are on almost the same timeline too! I love it!:)

    Also, Motherhood Maternity? Yuck. So unimpressed with their stuff. I bought a grand total of three things there during my entire pregnancy - 2 shirts and a pair of maternity tights. I won't be doing back there during my next pregnancy, that's for sure!

  2. I'm with ya on the Motherhood Maternity clothes! I even went to their outlet store and STILL couldn't justify spending so much on maternity clothes! Glad you got to see your little one! What a sweet face!

  3. Yay for the smiley baby pic ! so exciting ! old navy is the best !

  4. Damn Sonic...I blame them for my weight gain too!! I go to dr on Monday and am scared of that scale!! I have already gained 16 at my last appointment so I have you beat. I got some super cute T-shirt dresses from Kohls last night sooo cute over the bump!

  5. OMG. It's a high of 79 today and low humidity... I am THRILLED. :)

  6. yayyy!! 14lbs is still so awesome! You look great, sista! And I'm totally with you on the sonic. YUM!

  7. Can you believe we're down to single digits already? I swear this pregnancy has really flown by! Jealous that you got an ultrasound :) I asked my dr last week and she said we wouldn't get another one unless she thought the baby was breach or something didn't seem right. I just want to know how big (or small) she's measuring. We did pay for a 3D ultrasound but of course she didn't cooperate so we go again this Friday but they can't tell us the size of baby girl. You're still looking awesome too!

  8. Hooray for the end of summer school approaching! I can't wait to shop for non-maternity clothes, but I'm waiting to see what from my wardrobe will still fit (silly baby stretched out my hips!). You look beautiful! And don't worry about your weight; there is plenty of time to lose it once baby is here. :)

  9. I weighed myself this morning and I'm up 14 pounds and I'm at 22 weeks! You're doing fab :) Look at that ultrasound!! what a great close-up of her face, so awesome!! Lookin' good dear!

  10. My weight was like that, slow and then boom! Then in the last 3 weeks I only gained 1. Strange. I am not worried about it. you look awesome!! LOVE that u/s photo! So cute!! Single digits! Amazing!!

  11. You look so cute!! You are all belly, she is ready to make her debut!!

  12. motherhood has THE WORST quality of clothing. yuck bluch and more yuck. so frustrating!
    your weight gain is great and you look great! but i know what you mean.. i apparently gained 4lbs IN ONE WEEK. i am really hoping its mainly water since i can tell my face is getting fat and my eyes are getting smaller but still. NOT COOL!
    single digits! cant wait to hear your baby name!

  13. You're so cute! I love your bump. Woo for single digits!

  14. I was so excited about the royal baby too!! The weight caught up with me really quickly too, but I agree- I feel like overall I've gained less than I expected. You are doing great and looking fabulous. LOVE the her cute face on the ultrasound! So glad you're still doing well!
